CrazyTalk 8.1: Easy 3D Avatar and Lip Syncing Video Creation [Udemy Free Coupon - 100% Off]
Quickly and easily create 3D talking head videos from 2D pictures. Easy 3D avatar creation and lip sync with animation. programmingBuddyClub
Discount - $39.99 Free 100% Off
- Lectures - 18 Lectures
- Skill Level -Beginner Level
- Language - English
- Published -8/2018
Course Includes
- Students will learn to install CrazyTalk 8 on their computer.
- Students will learn how to create a 3D talking avatar of their head.
- Students will learn how to lip sync their avatar to their voice.
- Students will learn how to generate video and upload it to YouTube for sharing.
- Students will learn how to make pictures of animals talk.
What Will I learn?
- 📺 2 hours on-demand video
- 📝 4 Articles
- 💓 Full lifetime access
- 📱 Access on mobile and TV
- 📋 Certificate of Completion
- ⚓ You'll need access to either a Windows or Mac computer.
Who is the target audience?
- 🙇 Anyone interested in 3D character animation.
- 🙇 Anyone who would like to spruce up their promotional and explainer videos.
- 🙇 Anyone wanting to have easy fun with their computer.
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