Ruby MasterClass - Baby Steps Module [Udemy Free Course]
Brief and basic presentation about the Ruby programming language.
Discount - Free
- Lectures - 18 Lectures
- Skill Level -Beginner Level
- Language - English
- Published -6/2018
Course Includes
- You will learn what is Ruby.
- Understand basic Ruby ideas.
- Develop a simple and tiny program.
- Students will be able to advance smoothly to the next modules.
- Students who decide to continue and enroll in all four modules will receive a coupon for special courses in the future.
What Will I learn?
- 📺 2.5 hours on-demand video
- 💓 Full lifetime access
- 📱 Access on mobile and TV
- 📋 Certificate of Completion
- ⚓ First, will to learn!
- ⚓ You'll need a basic understanding of MAC OSX or Windows operating system.
- ⚓ Doesn't need to have knowledge about programming language, but if you have, it's a good beginning. If you don't have, I encourage you to search videos explaining what is a programming language, about what is Object Oriented language and a few more related to programming languages in general.
- ⚓ A modern text editor: Atom is free and excellent (Google it).
Who is the target audience?
- 🙇 Anyone who wants to learn to code
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